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Service Design, UI UX Design, App Prototyping, Product Design, System Planning

Conta is a food delivery system.

The system contains both UI UX Design and Product Design.

Users can use delivery services from app based platform and the food will be delivered in reusable containers, made with biodegradable plastic. When done, instead of throwing out left over with disposable containers, users can return the containers to the company by using return machines. Company will clean collected containers and provide them to restaurants for sustainable recycling. 

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Due to pandemic, there is a tendency to prefer food delivery culture for less in person contact and convenience communication on app based platform.
While the demand for food delivery platform is increasing, 2.6 billion tons of food produce goes uneaten around the world.
The current food consumption habits continue on-farm losses, as well as food loss along the entire fresh grocery supply chain and food waste at retailer and consumer level.

Limited Management System For Waste From Food Delivery

Lack Of Knowledge On Responsible Food Production And Consumption

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
(EDCs) Created From Plastic And Vinyl Containers

Then, How Can We Minimize The Waste From Food Delivery Process?

Design Drivers

Social Awareness

Sustainable Materiality

New Food Consumption Habits

Educate Responsibility

Sustainable Food Delivery System
: App With Reusable Containers

Primary Research: Survey

Survey on 27 participants on Campus asking their experiences with Food delivery service.

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Feedbacks on the current platform


Good service and continent

Notification and tracking feature

Easy to use


Good Customer Service


Mix up orders

Too expensive delivery, service fee

Lack of access to

contact the restaurant

Food spillage or missing items

User Flow

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3D Ideation

The process moved on to prototyping.
I used cardboards, foam core, and chipboards to rapidly visualize the shape of reusable containers.

Design aim for 
- all in one set 

- Bamboo plastic for container + Rubber for lid+ Biodegradable paper for the bag

- hexagon (easy to stack up & store)

- stackable design

- consistent brand identity (hexagon shape)


User Journey Map

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Landing Page

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Conta Return Machine Around Me

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Log in

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User Profile

Container Design

Styrene, Bondo, Plexiglass, and Spray paint

8" X 6" X 4.5"

inspired from beehive, I incorporated the shape with hexagon form to be spatially efficient for storage. In addition, the bump on the bottom and top of the product will be helpful when stacking them while storage and delivery. 

Clean white and turquoise colors evokes the feeling of sustainability and reliability while vivid orange color activates users' appetites at the same time. In real life, if this product is manufactured, I envision it to be made with Bio-PET, 100% compostable and recyclable bioplastics

Each container has assigned QR code on the back of the product.

its tracking function for the container prevents possibility of loss as well as shows the history of it. User can scan the QR code and see the history of the container they received. 

As the container is delivered or returned, Conta system automatically updates the container's status.

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Main Page

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GPS Tracking

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Redirect to Conta app

Package Design

Bristol, Glossy finished paper

In addition to sustainable recycling containers, I designed package to carry the containers more efficiently for delivery drivers. I used illustrator to create package design using consistent pattern and color choice with the brand logo and identity. 

The paper bag is foldable with extra space for utensils or napkins. I suggest using PLA, fully biodegradable thermoplastic polymer for this package if manufactured in real life. 

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Return Machine Design

Plexiglass, Metal Hinge, and Spray paint

To keep the brand identity, I continued chamfered rectangle shape to the machine design. I was inspired by vending machine, ATM machine, and Amazon locker around the street.

The machine has a touch screen on front so that users can proceed return process conveniently. As they are returning the used containers, the camera inserted inside of the machine will display the amount of left food they have and the weight of it. Assigned QR codes on the containers tracks the number and status of the delivery. 

User can success the return process as following the instructions shown on the touch screen.


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Operational Sequence

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